Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fifty Fifth Post

Well, things in college are fun but busy. This week I got bronchitis, ran out of meal swipes, and my phone broke, but I also got to go to play rugby on Manhattan beach with the rugby team and go to two fun parties.

I'm getting skype set up to talk to Dad and Mom with.

Mom sounds like she is constantly getting better. I talk to her and Dad about 3 times per week, and she is now doing physical therapy. She keeps switching between Harborview and Cascade Vista it seems, and is now at Harborview once again. I know she prefers Cascade Vista.

I'm coming up for Thanksgiving and Christmas so I will see Mom then. Dad is also still off work to care for Mom. I also got to go up once already for the UW game. I'm glad I chose a college on the west coast.

It seems like the accident was years ago now. It certainly is strange that one accident like that could just take Mom completely out of the game for five months and also alter Dad and my lives so much.