Thursday, June 11, 2009

Crash Pictures

There is no blood, but these are still very powerful pictures. Nobody is making you look at these. Poor Mom and poor car :'(

If there is a message here it is NEVER drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. EVER. A cab is a lot cheaper than your life or the cost of paying for 1 year of ICU, hospitalization, and rehab for someone else. And if there is an accident with you driving impaired it WILL be your fault and you WILL have to pay for the consequences.

This was one of those things where you always thought it wil never happen to you but it does and it sucks.

The roof was cut off by the paramedics and was placed on top of the back of the car for the photos.

The Car with Cut-Off Roof Laying On Top
Front Driver's Side Wheel

Passenger Side
Driver's Seat and Steering Wheel with Airbag
Roof with Deployed Driver's Side Airbag

1 comment:

  1. omg! this is so much worse then i was picturing it! :( your poor mom :(

