Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fifteenth Post

Alright, so just got back, and not too much to report. Evidently she should get the ventilator off soon. She was coughing less today but no eye openings or hand squeezes.


  1. Allyn is in our thoughts. It is good to hear that she is doing better every day.

    Ian and Carole Fouts
    (Janette Rhein's son and daughter in law)

  2. I imagine that you're home by yourself right now as you're reading this since Steve is at the hospital and Allyn is in surgery (which is such a good thing - it's tremendous progress that the docs can now remove the external bar from her left leg and do the permanent fix). It was very hard for me, your Uncle Don, and your Uncle Kim to leave you guys on Saturday morning to go back to California and Maine. But I know that your friends (Katie, Christopher, Graeme, Owen and many others whose names I don't know) are there to support you. You are a remarkably strong and optimistic young man; watching you exhibit these traits has helped me cope through this traumatic ordeal. Please remember your aunt Ellen's loving advice - take care of yourself (eat well, sleep, and exercise) and hang tight with your Dad. I am so grateful that Allyn is being taken care of by some of the best trauma care specialists in the country.
    Love, Aunt Ellen

  3. Hi Scott,
    My name is Anne Severs. The last time I visited your family you were about four years old, into trains and living in your previous home. Your Mom had hurt her back so you and your Dad took me to the zoo for the day :-). During an earlier visit your Mom, you, Uncle Don, Aunt Ellen and I went to Vancouver island together. Your Mom and I went to the Empress Hotel for High Tea. I was wearing jeans, which were not allowed, so they gave me a skirt to wear. I looked pretty silly in a skirt with knee highs and tennis shoes, but we had a great time.

    Your Mom and I met at Syva many years ago. We have kept in touch through the years via phone and email, sending each other small gifts for Christmas and birthdays. Each year we promised each other that we would not let another year slip by without visiting each other in person. But work and busy daily lives seemed to always get in the way and hugs and kisses continued to be exchanged across the miles.

    Your Mom is a wonderful, loving, brilliant person. As I know you are aware, she loves you and your Dad beyond measure. She has put every fiber of her being into loving and raising you, resulting in the intelligent, engaged, loving person you are today.

    I just found out about the accident yesterday. I am so glad to hear of the fabulous progress Allyn had made over the past week. She is strong person and you and your Dad give her the motivation to fight on. I am sending tons of healing thoughts and energy your way.

    I live in California but would be very happy to come up and help in any way that is needed (cooking, cleaning, errands, etc.) so that you and your Dad can concentrate on taking care of Allyn. Here is my contact info:

    home: 925-455-5315
    cell: 415-513-3873

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Please give my love to Allyn.

    California Annie

  4. Hi Scott,
    My name is Andrea. My sister is a colleague of your father's and sent me your blog. I am thinking positive thoughts for your mother and your family. take care.
