Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thirty-Ninth Post

So I am with Mom today.

She admitted that she has trouble remembering sometimes and that things seem strange with her. She has a little brain damage but she is aware of the damage and realizes that she is having trouble remembering and a little trouble sleeping.

She said that her biggest fear was that mentally and physically she would not be on par with what she used to be. Please when you see her remind her that she is healing every day and that she will soon be back to normal.

She also said though that she can tell people are treating her differently, and she feels like she is being treated like a child. Please if you are reading this and going to see Mom just talk to her exactly the same way you used to. She can understand you most of the time, though even she admits that her understanding goes in and out sometime.

So just treat Mom the same way you used to and constantly remind her that she is making progress every day and that she will soon be back to normal, and to just keep fighting.

On another note, a friend of ours brought the dog in today and Mom loved it. Mom was telling me a few minutes ago how much it meant to her and how she missed the dog so much.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder about treating your mom like the adult that she is. In general, it's easy for us to forget this important piece especially since we want to be so helpful, sometimes too helpful, which can easily be mistaken for treating someone like a child since we want to do everything for them! Independence is one of the most important things for a patient in recovery. I've been on both ends of it so I know!

    Glad to hear that the dog's visit was a success. You should continue with this as much as possible.

    One thing I wanted to mention in an earlier post but didn't because I didn't have the time was regarding a recent comment you made about wishing none of this had ever happened. While I wholeheartedly agree with you, I just have to say that in looking at the positive side of things, which you've proven that you already do, I would say that it is a blessing in disguise that this horrific accident happened after school got out. Could you imagine having to worry about this and make trips to the hospital during the school year? It'ss a blessing that you have the time to do it without worrying about school/homework and college app stuff. Please know that I say this with the utmost respect for you and appreciate your honesty in addressing your feelings about this unfortunate accident. I like to also look on the positive side of things and that came to my mind when I read your entry last week.

    Keep us posted Scott, and keep up the good work with your recovery Allyn; you're doing an awesome job!!!

