Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thirty-Third Post

Today was the most aware I have seen Mom this entire time. She remembered everything, from our names to our pets. She was also talking fluidly with me and dad, and could recognize jokes, sarcasm, and other subtle variations of the voice, and could respond fluently also.

I am so happy she is mentally back to normal today.


  1. Wow, wasn't Mom's progress just amazing today? She was asking about all of the "bad things" that our cat Blaze has been doing lately, and for some reason she sided with YOU when I told her how bad YOU have been around the house lately! Grrrrr!
    Love, Dad

  2. Glad to hear that things are progressing well. It's been about a month since the accident and it just goes to show that being patient and having faith in the healing process is key! The first three weeks of any major recovery period is definitely the hardest for both the patient and their loved ones. I'm certain that things will continue to improve from here on out! :)
    Michelle & family
