Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fifth Post

OK, so doing better but definitely not through the woods yet. Now it seems that most of the serious bleeding has been stopped, some of her fluid IV's have been removed, and she somewhat stable.

As of now the major threats lie in infection and possible respiratory complications from all the fluids and her sedentary position, specifically fluid building up in the lungs and hardening.

Also, she has a lot of hardware (rods sticking through and into them) on her legs now to set them and get blood flowing to the right places.

Mom is going in for some CAT scans tonight so we'll know a lot more about her in the morning. Uncle Kim was joking that we should send in her cat, Blaze, to be scanned.

The best thing that has happened so far is when I held her hand today not once but twice she squeezed back hard both times. Reflex or some base level of consciousness? Either way she is moving her arms and legs which is good because it means there is no major spinal injury.

On another note, I am currently without a car. I was out looking yesterday for a C 1978 ford mustang fastback. It was blue with white racing stripes, and was for sale a couple months ago in my girlfriend Katie's neighborhood. I remember remarking to her "Man, if I didn't have my Lexus I'd totally buy that." But now its sold. Oh well...


  1. Thanks for this update man. I'm glad she knows you're with her!

  2. Hi Scott,

    I heard the news yesterday about your mom and I'm so terribly sorry. I'm also sorry about the fact that I just moved to socal so I can't physically be there for you and your dad right now. I trust that by the awesome relationships that your family has that you are in good care, and that your family will work through this. Your mom is so strong in every way and I know that she'll pull through. You guys are on my mind 24/7 right now, and I'm glad you put the blog together to keep us all updated. Even though I'm far away, please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you.


  3. Hey Scott, it's Mrs. Fehr. Oh, you have no idea how often you and your mom and dad have been in our thoughts and prayers since Sunday night.BIG hugs for you!!! Thanks for sharing what's going on ... We're doing all we can from AZ ... Praying like crazy!! Give your precious mama's hand a squeeze back from all of us ... We are pulling for her!! :)
