Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Seventeenth Post

Late, but I still remembered to post it. I saw Mom in the afternoon today, and she had visitors before and after I was there too so she was with people almost all the afternoon.

Mom continues to be responsive but seems to be in a little less pain today. She still had a few tears on her eyes though after coughing.

Mom was the most responsive I have seen her today, and was moving her head almost continuously. She also kept her eyes open up to a minute at a time today.

She got another big dose of oxycotin while I was there today but this time she still seemed responsive after it set in.

Every morning the nurses do a breathing test where they stop the ventilator for a while to see how she handles it but she is still too weak to breathe on her own. She has to concentrate on healing now. They said anywhere from a few days to a few weeks until she is off, they couldn't really predict.

Also she had two really nice nurses in today that I talked with for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Scott
    Spend as much time as possible with your mom. I still remember you mentioning the important lesson learned from this is to not drink and drive but I really think it is to spend each day as if it is your last and to spend each of those days with the people most important to you. Make each day count with your mom and with your dad. Our family is praying for you and your family.
