Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Third Post

OK, so things are happening a million miles per hour here.

Mom's already been in a couple surgeries so far, and is now going into a surgery to fix her femurs and restore blood flow to the legs and feet for healing. Expected operating time 2 hours. Shes still unconscious and likely will be for a long time (2 weeks we're thinking) because she is on a respirator. This save my mom the trouble of breathing and hopefully let her body concentrate on repairing itself.

Thing really happen at all 24 hours at the hospital. Every time I've gone in I have seen a nurse there taking care of mom, and often a doctor or two also. She is getting different types of care at all different hours of the day.


  1. Scott,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Christina Anderson

  2. hoping for the best like always! I hope from here on out things get better. Thanks for the updates scotty!

    love you guys!

    katelyn carpenter

  3. Hi Scott,

    I am Christina's mom. She let me read your Facebook blog. You have a very loving and caring mom. For the past several weeks, I was on the phone with your mom providing list after list of the types of food that would be served at the senior party to ensure that you would not be exposed to peanuts. Your mom even personally called the catering company and the Grad Nights offices to ask specific questions about ingredients. It is ironic indeed that on the night of the party she turned out to be in harm's way.

    Moms love to take care of their kids, but now you have an opportunity to take care of your mom. She will need you.

    Thank you for keeping us updated. We are all praying for her to stay strong and be home soon.

    Barbara Nordin

  4. Scott--
    I got a call Monday morning from Ryan Burke about the accident. We were all at the 5th Ave. Theater rehearsing for the Award ceremony that night. I think everyone simply had the breath knocked out of them. Worrying about silly things like how well we'd do in the show, or where someone's costume piece was or what someone's hair looked like all suddenly came into perspective.

    All of us are thinking about you and your mom and your family and hoping for a speedy and complete recovery. It is so good to see you already taking such big positive approaches to this--gathering information, reflecting on the hopeful signs and indicators that will lead to an outcome that brings your mom home healthy, and creating this blog that lets us know what you're going through and if and how we can help.

    Please know how sorry we all are that this has happened and how encouraged we are to see you addressing the events in a powerful, energized way. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend.

    Bill Johns

  5. Scott,
    We hold your Mom and your entire family in our prayers.

    The Cunninghams

  6. Scott,

    Cody, Kaylee and I have you all in our prayers. Please let us know if we can assist you and your family in anyway. It sometimes is a slow road to recovery so please know this offer extends to the months ahead.

    Sara Frey / Kaylee and Cody Kautz
